What I Learned from Guest Posting on Other Blogs

graphic from fashion blog post and lightboard with monorail or train theme
On the left is the graphic that Gabby made for my guest post on nerdy/geeky fall/winter fashion. On the right is a photo I made for my social media accounts to advertise my Disney monorail ride down memory lane on Romina's Mini Mummi Blog.
I have a two-part post outlined, and mostly ready to go about my worst day as a mom, but seeing as how it’s the holidays, and the subject matter of those posts is a bit heavy, I’m going to post something that is much more lighthearted and in-tune with the warm-and-fuzzy feeling of the holidays.

You might be wondering why I’ve been so quiet on my blog lately. Well, I’ve been guest posting on a couple of other blogs.

If you’re a newbie blogger, you might be asking yourself, “Why write something for someone else’s blog?” or “Why let someone else write on my blog?”

Keep reading, and I’ll tell you.

The holidays are all about kindness, collaboration, and goodwill toward your fellow man, and that’s exactly what collaborating with other bloggers is all about.

What are the advantages of guest posting on a blog?

You can read the rest of this post at ellanewriter.com.


  1. Absolutely amazing! This is a very impressive post and I am actually learning this all right now. I wrote a piece for another blogger/website and it was so fun. They even asked if I wanted to be a regular contributor. I was so honored. Thank you for these great tips! 😊


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