
Showing posts from October, 2017

E. L. Lane is A Liebster Award Nominee

First, I want to give a huge thank you to  Jessica Burgess . Thank you! I am truly honored and excited to be nominated. Jessica is a homeschool, motherhood, and product review blogger. She loves her family, all-natural products and treatments, and homeschooling her kids. She writes about homeschooling her five children, product reviews, interviews entrepreneurs, and more. Get to know her better on her blog  What's happening with Jessica?!  She's a genuine person and it really comes through in her writing. I am excited to get to know other bloggers through this exciting opportunity. I also see this as an opportunity to continue to learn and grow as a blogger so that I can make better content for you, my beloved readers. Check out the rules and my nominees below. The Rules “The award is a way to be discovered but also to connect and support the blogging community. A great idea in promoting your own blog and others. Originally it was given out to blog...

Mom Confessions: Things You Said You'd Never Do as a Parent, But You Did

Do you remember a time before you became a mom? A time when you’d see moms giving their children a tablet to watch cartoons while having lunch? Or changing their babies’ diapers right in the booth where they were eating? And you thought, “I will never do that when I have a kid.” But then, you find yourself with a shrieking human being in your arms that depends on you for everything, and you find yourself slowly letting go of all those expectations and doing all of those same things you said you’d never do. Well, it turns out that you’re not alone. I asked other moms this question: What is something you said you’d never do as a parent, but ended up doing? I started off the #momconfessions, “I said I’d never put a leash on my child. I bought one when she turned two.” Below are the #momconfessions that some honest, kickass Instagram moms shared: Le t Me Count the Ways “Gosh. Haha... What a great question! Where do I start? Bed sharing, breastfeeding past one year, ...

Accepting the Blogger Recognition Award

I am excited and truly honored to be receiving my first nomination for a blogging award. I want to give a huge “Thank You!” to Romina with her blog  Mini Mummi Blogger  for nominating my blog for the “Bloggers Recognition Award.” What is the Blogger Recognition Award? The Blogger Recognition Award is given to bloggers by bloggers to show appreciation for the hard work and dedication put into their blog. This is an amazing award to be presented with, because from my experience starting a new blog is, “No walk in the park.” It requires tons of energy, time, patience and a wide variety of skills–some of which you might have to learn. So, receiving this award is a great honor and each blogger who receives it should be proud of what they have accomplished, but should also remember this isn’t the finish line, just a milestone. There is always more growth and knowledge to obtain. Take this award wear it with pride and keep building your blog. What is Mini Mu...